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Writer's picture: Chief Oyeniyi SangoChief Oyeniyi Sango

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

by Chief Oyeniyi Sango

Edited by Yeye Zarhah Oṣunṣola

The Divine Word

Ifá is defined as the metaphysical word of Olódùmarè that passes from Órúnmìlà to humankind. Órúnmìlà serves as the voice among the Oriṣa sent by Olódùmarè. Ifá is also passed orally from one speaking generation, to the other. Ifá is the Yoruba spiritual way of life and system of divination. The literary corpus is referred to as the Odu Ifá. Órúnmìlà is identified as the Supreme Priest, since he revealed divinity and prophecy to the world. Babalawos and IyanIfás use either Opele, the divining chain or Ikin, the palm kernel nuts. Kola nuts called Obi are used for appeasements. While the Opon Ifá, the wooden divination tray and Iyerosun powder are used for the sacrificial process. Ifá divination acts as the communication between humans, Irunmole (deities), Olódùmarè (God), and Egungun (our Ancestors). Essentially we would clearly know the messages of these spiritual forces and their requirements of us. We will also learn how they will manifest things for you, in return. Ifá Divination is a very important part of our human development and over standing.

According to the Yoruba, Ifá oracle was founded by Órúnmìlà in Ilé-Ifẹ̀ (the city that is the source of the Yorubas beginning). After Órúnmìlà had initiated himself, he then initiated his companions and his followers. Ifá is a universal spiritual system. It is an instrument to guide us on our journey through life and addresses our individual pressing concerns around all areas of life. Ifa is not constrained to our limited understanding. Ifa exceeds out narrow views of reality and encompasses universal truths For it is a worry-free divine and supernatural force that is used by Olódùmarè (The Creator) for all creations that exempts the blind passion of the Oriṣa (mystical deities). The divination enables us to examine periodically if we are living in balance with nature, and knowing if we are following the path of our destiny. Babalawos/priestes primarily hold the Àṣẹ (power) and authority to carry out and activate the ebo on behalf of any person inquiring, and manifest any changes in their lives. There is no complete written list of the potential Ebos to look over as a reference; the Ebo for each individual is determined at the time of the Ifá consultation and this is far from a cookie-cutter solution.

Isefa/ Hand of Ifá

Isefa is the ritual collection of one hand of Ifá (20 to 21 Ikin) that is open to anyone who desires to worship Ifá (Órúnmìlà). Isefa is also referred as Icofa/ Ikofa in the diaspora; however, there are many distinctions between Isefa and Ikofa. This ritual does not make a person a Babalawo or IyanIfá. This ceremony represents a sacred bond of protection for a person from Iku (death), Arun (sickness), Ofo (loss), Akoba (litigation), etc. This ritual consists of a person receiving the sacred Ikin Ifá of Órúnmìlà, Ide Órúnmìlà, and instructions on utilizing these tools for improvement and balance into their life.

Isefa is process and a culmination of your received a temporary ODU, which will be guilding you till the time you will be fully initiated. Your Odu is your personal sacred contract with your destiny, and the current experiences it has in your life. From this process, we are taught to develop spiritual intimacy with Ifá and our Ori (head), in addition to learning to navigate through life smoothl utilizing the message of Ifá. This consultation consists of a general overview of our current life situation/question, that we will then focus on achieving through a deeper insight into our overall destiny.

When we receive our Odu (a sign), this influences and guides our current situation and the energy surrounding us. The length of the consultation is determined by the Oriṣa speaking within the Odu. This is to give an in depth explanation to address all the messages we received, at the time of the consultation. At the end of the consultation, an ebo (traditional and modern diaspora remedies) will be recommended to assist manifesting the reading. During the reading, we are able to ask yes/no and any other type of questions for more clarity and to gain a greater understanding. For anyone who is seriously seeking direction in one's life, on any and all topics. Ifá consultation is truly an essential and a powerful icon to have.

Ifá aligns you with Órúnmìlà and the divination is the deeper understanding of things that are coming . If your consultation reveals that your journey leads you towards Ifá, you may want to begin connecting with Órúnmìlà with Isefa (Hand of Ifá). For this tool is a wonderful blessing to begin your destiny with and there may be no obligations of full initiation into Ifá . And when receiving Isefa, please make sure you are receiving it from a credible, knowledgeable, humble person that possesses good character. This process is absolutely necessary prior to any Ifá initiation; especially when joining the Ile. There are some exceptions, but that is definitely Odu based.

Overall, initiation to Ifá is not in everyone’s path; however, a person may receive the Isefa icon and Ifá's blueprint of their life.

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